Fun Facts About New Jersey

What many people may not know is that New Jersey was the first state in America to sign the Bill of Rights. Did you also know and it’s also known as the Diner capital of the world?

In fact, there would be a lot of fun & down right interesting facts about New Jersey SEO agencies and even the state of New Jersey itself. Once you would get to know about them, you would be able to understand for yourself that it is nothing as has been portrayed in those TV series Jersey is known for. In fact, you might even find some of them to be downright strange. For example, the top online advertising agency is well known now just in Jersey but other states as well. Yes, i’m referring to gregory ortiz digital marketing agency. So, even though you might wonder why you would need to know something like this, you never know when it might come in handy.

Therefore, if you would like to brush up on your Jersey State trivia, continue reading below.

  • It is home to many of the most significant legends and icons in America and continues being so

It would be because of this reason that New Jersey has managed to gain so much credibility to its name. After all, even you would be curious to go and explore the place where legends such as Bruce Springsteen, Frank Sinatra, Whitney Houston, and Jack Nicholson were born. Other than that, some of the current top-notch celebrities also seem to have hailed from this place.

  • Considered to be one of the most expensive states to live in America

If you are planning to move and settle in New Jersey, this is a thought that you would have to entertain again. In addition to being one of the most expensive states that you would be able to live in, the rent would amount to almost $1,800 a month. So, if you are willing to dole out two grand per month just for your house rent, this would seem like the perfect state to do so.

  • One of the top states for theft of cars

In addition to having some of the priciest real estates that America has to offer, you would also find auto insurance to be quite expensive. Now you might be wondering why this would be relevant in any way. It is because New Jersey has been known to have one of the highest rates of car theft. No matter how secure you might think your car is, you would have to check again. Hence, auto insurance is not something that you should be skipping out on.

  • You aren’t allowed to pump gas yourself

Now, this is something which would undoubtedly come as good news. This is because New Jersey is one the only two states in the U. S. where self-service gas stations have been prohibited.

Thus, these would be some of the fun facts about New Jersey. If you would like to find out more about them, feel free to do so either using your favorite Search Engine or doing research at your local library (yes they still exist!). Thanks so much for reading my blog post!


The Advantages Of Technological Aids

Although there is panoply, technological aids are often associated with computers and computer software *. It is also often these aids in which parents are most reluctant for their children lest they become “lazy.”

Assistive technologies help to increase learning autonomy, improve the accuracy and speed of classroom work, and provide positive learning and success for students. This increases motivation for learning.

On the other hand, although very useful, these technologies also have limits and cannot compensate for all the difficulties of the student. Techniques cannot pay for inefficient teaching, eliminate a learning disability, or ignite a strong passion for school in the student.

So I thought it would be relevant to unravel for you the advantages and limitations of technological aids.

The advantages of technological aids

When a student has difficulties in school, and they persist despite his many efforts and adaptations already in place, his motivation and his esteem for him are affected. It is then that we think of setting up technological aids to support the young person in his learning.

A technological aid is a tool (computer, software, calculator, etc.) that helps the young person to perform a task or develop skills, something he could not have done without this type of help. Several studies have demonstrated the positive impacts of their use in a variety of contexts.

They Promote A Better Sense Of Self-Efficacy

I do not think that anybody here finds it comfortable and above all satisfying to make significant efforts and not to have good results or the expected results, each time. This is what many children with learning disabilities experience. Despite all the work and the time they put in, they are having trouble at school, which is very discouraging.

Technological aids allow young people to feel more efficient because they have results that match their efforts. By compensating for their difficulties with the tool, students can finally use their real skills. Thus, they often have better results, which maintain some pride.

They Increase The Level Of Motivation Of Students

I do not know about you, but me, when I succeed something, it gives me a boost of energy and I have the taste to start again to reach again. Conversely, if I do not realize, after one time, I will try with another technique, but after several failures, I get discouraged, and I give up.

It’s a little bit like what happens with young people who have a learning disability. Failure to succeed in their learning can be very demotivating. It becomes a vicious circle: the less successful they are, the less they want to put effort into getting there. And it’s even more difficult when you have to put more and more energy, and they do not bear fruit…

The setting up of a technological aid can, in several cases, give the young people this lost motivation. It allows them to reduce the amount of effort they have to put to focus on the essentials and get the job done. Through successes, but also to reduce the level of effort required for the same result, young people are encouraged, which motivates them to continue their learning and sometimes even to push beyond what is expected of them.

They Promote A Better Autonomy In Learning

Using technology help in school work frees up energy for other cognitive resources. For example, if a young person who has reading difficulties must put all his power into decoding and identifying the words, he will have very little left to understand what he is reading. If he is allowed to use voice feedback software, he will be able to focus his cognitive energy on understanding the text that is being read. Thus, the result obtained during an assessment will be more representative of the student’s actual text comprehension skills.